Generate Leads

60% Faster

Attract more leads with AI-powered marketing ​campaigns. Let your team focus on strategic work ​while our customized Microsoft Copilot solution ​automates routine tasks in your marketing ​operations, speeding up your processes.

Three Person Sitting on Chair Near Table Inside Room

AI is here.

Are you ready?

For every $1 a company invests ​in AI, it is realizing an average ​return of

Average time it takes for ​organizations to realize a return on ​their AI investment

of global employees work smarter ​with AI, using it as a tool that ​enables them to deliver faster





Marketing planning process

Reduce production time and grow your ​leads with AI-powered marketing

As companies double their omnichannel marketing presence at global levels, they ​need to scale the size and frequency of their marketing activities—leading to ​increased workload on marketing operations.

With increasing costs and talent shortage, the answer may not lie in augmenting ​your team size but finding more ways to be efficient in getting the work done. AI ​tools, such as Microsoft Copilot, is here not to replace existing marketing operations ​teams but to enable them to get work done faster than ever.

Copilot can free up your marketing operations team from repetitive tasks, allowing ​them to focus on high-value work, such as evaluating performance and improving ​your strategy, by automating the following:


Email campaign execution

Marketing asset development

Campaign performance data analysis

Copy review / content proofing

Website changes

UX mockups

What we can automate to help your MarOps team work ​better and faster:

MarOps Copilot at Work: Publish Website Changes 60% Faster

Problem Icon

The Problem:

It took 5-7 weeks for a website change go live. This slow process involved the marketing team going through a triage, then ​assigning a project manager to mobilize the other teams. The UX team will get pulled in for the design, content, and ​localization, which will then be reviewed by the legal team. Finally, the decision-makers (mostly consisting of the leadership ​team) need to approve the changes and the budget before the developers can even attempt to implement the changes.

The old process

Man Silhouette
Man Silhouette
Man Silhouette
Man Silhouette
Man Silhouette


UX Team








Man Silhouette
Horizontal Arrows with 3 Processes




Content and


Horizontal Arrows with 3 Processes



and Legal

Approval and

Price Review



This process contains a lot of variables beyond the marketing team’s control, taking up 5-7 weeks to complete

Solution Idea Icon

GenAI introduces an agile process that saves time by up to 60%

Light Bulb
Pencil Line Icon
Magnifying Glass Icon

Wimmer’s Marketing Operations Copilot Accelerator enables marketers to see their ​changes in real-time, following style guides, branding, CMS data, and governance, to cut ​down the process to 5-7 days.

The new process

Custom Copilot

Marketing team enters a ​prompt and the a website ​wireframe is generated based ​on style guides and content ​from CMS

Internal process

Stakeholder approves the ​wireframe and the development ​team will use the wireframe to ​bui​ld

Website changes go live

The MarOps team can introduce a leaner website change process that takes up to 2-4 weeks to complete

Leverage Our Data, Analytics, and AI capabilities for ​Marketing Operations

As a Microsoft Partner, Wimmer Solutions can assemble a team of subject matter experts who are trained in the latest ​industry standards and best practices will customize an AI solution to streamline your marketing operations.

Our Copilot solution development process

Share Your Needs

Let’s start with what current busine​ss or goals you are currently facing ​in your departmen​t

Discover AI Solutions

Our experts will give you an ​exclusive overview on how we can ​develop a custom AI adoption ​strategy for you

Implement Together

We’ll assemble a dedicated team to ​work with you in delivering and ​continuously optimizing our AI ​solution b​ased on your needs

Happy Business Team Working Together

Start Your

AI Journey Now